CET is an evidence-based therapy that offers significant improvement in cognitive and social functioning for adults with chronic mental illness.

Cognitive Enhancement Therapy (CET) is a structured program designed to improve cognitive and social functioning in individuals with chronic mental health disorders, such as schizophrenia or severe depression. This therapy aims to enhance capabilities in areas like attention, memory, problem-solving, and social cognition (the ability to understand and respond to social situations).

Computer-based Cognitive Training

CET uses computerized exercises to strengthen core cognitive skills. These tasks focus on improving attention, memory, and problem-solving abilities. Participants typically engage in these activities regularly in a group setting. CET enhancea mental processes that are fundamental to thinking and understanding, which are often impaired in mental health disorders.

Social Cognition Training

Alongside cognitive exercises, CET emphasizes the development of social skills. This involves group sessions where participants learn about social cues, emotional recognition, perspective-taking, and effective communication. By improving an individual’s ability to interpret and respond to social interactions, CET helps participants better navigate social environments.

Group Sessions

These sessions are used to practice newly learned cognitive and social skills in a supportive group environment. It encourages participants to interact and engage in activities that promote social understanding and cooperation. As cognitive and social skills improve, individuals may find it easier to live independently and engage in employment or education.

CET is particularly beneficial for individuals who have stabilized their psychiatric symptoms but continue to experience cognitive and social difficulties. By focusing on these areas, CET helps fill a gap in traditional mental health treatments, which often focus primarily on reducing psychiatric symptoms.

If you are a professional who would like to bring CET to your organization, visit the Center for Cognition and Recovery, LLC.